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NDI 6 not working anymore on Mac M1

NDI 6 not working anymore on Mac M1

by Corentin Kieffer - Number of replies: 1


I just did the update to NDI 6.1.1 and I lost all of my in and out ndi feeds in my sofwares:

Arena 7.21, Heavy M 2.7.1, Touch Designer 2022, laserOS 0.17.5

even the NDI test pattern app is not showing in NDI video monitor,

but my apps on NDI 4 are still working, like NDISyphon or Arena 6.

I can also receive NDI feed from Arena 6 to Arena 7.

I run on Apple M1 Sonoma 14.5.

I tried to uninstall/clean NDI tools, including virtual camera, restart and reinstall but nothing fixed my problem. Anyone encounters the same trouble?

In reply to Corentin Kieffer

Re: NDI 6 not working anymore on Mac M1

by Oliver Breidenbach -
I have a bunch of Macs with NDI Tools installed and using NDI a lot with mimoLive. When source are not appearing, more often than not, something is wrong with the network setup and the sources and your computer are not on the same subnet. Another reason could be that you installed Tools using an Admin account and are using the apps now with a non-Admin account, but that usually only affects HX1 sources.